Arithmetic and mathematics

Arithmetic and mathematics

Mathematics start as early as first grade, with the colorful method ‘Met Sprongen Vooruit’ (Leaping Forward) which contains more than 200 activities! All are enjoyable games where children work towards mathematical goals. From grade 3 onwards we make use of the method ‘Wereld in Getallen’ (World in Numbers) where children start practicing the basics: addition, subtraction, measurement, and time/money. This gradually expands until grade 8 to include: multiplication and divisions, fractions and percentages, the use of a calculator, and more. We teach the children various strategies to solve mathematical problems.

Maths is fun!

We also apply mathematics to everyday situations. Sometimes we measure tables, chairs, and buildings, or the children play shop with each other. Or we move our body while doing maths; How about making jumps of five or ten? Putting theory right into practice on the schoolyard or in the hallways!

Our mathematics methods:

Grade 1 and 2Met Sprongen Vooruit, Kleuter Universiteit
Grade 3 – 8Wereld in Getallen, version 5