Dutch language

Dutch language

Language is everywhere around us and plays a significant role in our lives. We, therefore, deem high-quality language education of great importance. Our language education consists of four components:

Communication skills:

How do you hold a conversation? How do you clearly express your opinion? How can you articulate well? Students learn to give presentations, listen to presentations, and think about the form and possibilities of language and communication.


This includes technical reading (converting letters to sounds), vocabulary, and text comprehension. Of course, reading is also simply enjoyable. Fostering a love for reading is an important goal of the reading education at our school.


Technical writing, vocabulary, spelling, strategic writing, and organizing information through writing. We write letters, keep diaries, create blogs, send digital messages, prepare reports, and craft essays. Writing is a form of expression that children find very enjoyable.

Linguistic understanding: 

Basic concepts about language such as letters, punctuation, page formatting, opinion or fact, syllables, intonation and much more. Linguistic understanding includes spelling, punctuation and grammar rules, and there is attention to correct form during speech.

In first and second grade, we use the “Kleuter Universiteit” (Kindergarten University) method. From picture books, we select themes with the children, incorporating various subjects. These can include language, writing, mathematics, English, creativity, and 21st-century skills. With the Kleuter Universiteit-method, we work in a cross-curricular manner. Children receive as few ‘lessons’ as possible, but learning goals are integrated into the classroom setup. We have inspiring play corners as children learn through play.

Our language teaching methods:

Grade 1 and 2Kleuter Universiteit (cross-curricular)
‘Krullenbol’ for preparatory writing.
Grade 3 ‘Lijn 3’ for initial reading
Grade 3 - 8‘Klinkers’ writing method
Grade 4 - 6‘Karakter’ continued technical reading
Grade 4 - 8‘Staal’ Taal and ‘Staal’ Spelling
Grade 4 - 8‘Leeslink’ for reading comprehension