English from first grade

English from first grade

English is an indispensable language in our modern society and in education. That is why children at our school are introduced to the English language from grade 1. By exposing children to English at an early age, they absorb the language more quickly. In their first and second grade, a theme-based approach is used, which also incorporates English.

The most important thing for students learning English is that they want to understand and speak the language, read and write texts, and communicate in English. The teaching method we use at De Klipper is fully aligned with these communicative goals. The children build an extensive vocabulary. The focus is on communication in the broadest sense: listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English. As a result, our students have a head start in English when they go to secondary school.

English is fun!

Singing songs, reading rhymes, watching videos, performing plays, playing games, or reading exciting books: this is how our grades 1 through 8 discover the English language. The English lessons are varied and enjoyable for all students.

Our methods for English:

Grade 1/2Kleuter Universiteit (cross-curricular)
Grade 3 to 8Stepping Stones Junior